extruded concrete lining - translation to ρωσικά
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extruded concrete lining - translation to ρωσικά

The Silver Lining; Silver Lining (song); The Silver Lining (film); The Silver Lining (disambiguation); The Silver Lining (album); Silver lining; Silver Lining (disambiguation); Silver lining (disambiguation)

extruded concrete lining      

строительное дело

обжатая бетонная обделка

extruded concrete lining      
обжатая бетонная обделка
concrete mixing plant         
  • [[Boston City Hall]] (1968) is a [[Brutalist]] design constructed largely of precast and poured in place concrete.
  • City Court Building]] in [[Buffalo, New York]]
  • Concrete floor of a [[parking garage]] being placed
  • Circularity of Concrete: Cradle-to-Cradle design
  • Compression testing of a concrete cylinder
  • Birmingham]], [[Alabama]] in 1936
  • [[Concrete plant]] showing a [[concrete mixer]] being filled from ingredient silos
  • Pouring and smoothing out concrete at Palisades Park in Washington, DC
  • Recycled crushed concrete, to be reused as granular fill, is loaded into a semi-dump truck
  • A concrete slab being kept hydrated during water curing by submersion (ponding)
  • Cross section of a concrete railway sleeper below a rail
  • Decorative plate made of Nano concrete with High-Energy Mixing (HEM)
  • Crushed stone aggregate
  • ''[[Opus caementicium]]'' exposed in a characteristic Roman arch. In contrast to modern concrete structures, the concrete used in Roman buildings was usually covered with brick or stone.
  • first1=Lorraine}}</ref>
  • Interior of the Pantheon dome, seen from beneath. The concrete for the [[coffer]]ed dome was laid on moulds, mounted on temporary scaffolding.
  • archive-date=6 October 2014 }}</ref>
  • ''Pohjolatalo'', an office building made of concrete in the city center of [[Kouvola]] in [[Kymenlaakso]], [[Finland]]
  • Stylized cacti decorate a sound/retaining wall in [[Scottsdale, Arizona]]
  • [[Smeaton's Tower]]
  • Black basalt polished concrete floor
  • Several tons of bagged cement, about two minutes of output from a 10,000 ton per day [[cement kiln]]
  • Assembled tremie placing concrete underwater
  • The [[Tunkhannock Viaduct]] in northeastern Pennsylvania opened in 1915 and is still in regular use today
  • Concrete being poured into [[rebar]]
  • Taum Sauk]] (Missouri) pumped storage facility in late November 2009. After the original reservoir failed, the new reservoir was made of roller-compacted concrete.
C20 (engineering); Concrete (material); Concrete brick; Portland concrete; Waterproof concrete; Continuous pour concrete; Concrete road; Ready mixed; Ready-mixed; Admixture (concrete); Concrete additive; Concrete mixing plant; Exposed aggregate concrete; Concreting; Concrete strength; Curing compound; Poured concrete

общая лексика

бетонный завод

бетоносмесительная установка


(франц. musique concrete), музыкальное произведение, создаваемые посредством записи на магнитофонную ленту природных звучаний, шумов, которые могут подвергаться различным акустическим преобразованиям и смешиваться. Изобретатель конкретной музыки - французский инженер-акустик П. Шеффер (первые опыты осуществил в 1948).


Silver Lining

Silver Lining, A Silver Lining or The Silver Lining may refer to:

  • Silver lining (idiom), a metaphor for optimism in the common English-language idiom "Every cloud has a silver lining"
Μετάφραση του &#39extruded concrete lining&#39 σε Ρωσικά